
Whoop Whoop JonnyP Videos are now available!

Yes its true, you can now view some of my material here on the very easy and accessible INTERNET!
They can be found here on my youtube channel along with the speeches from our wedding and a few other random videos that I have created from along time ago. (I love Garden Wars!).


The videos can also be found here, on this very blog! All this plus some amazing blogs by the one and only JonnyP! What more could you ask for? All this fantastic information for just $99.99 dollars plus $1000 p&p.

Jon Pearson - Nicknames

Jon Pearson - Diets

Sorry went into infomercial mode there, no all this is absolutely FREE! So go on, get watching and get laughing!

I have more gigs in the pipe line, including the So You Think You're Funny awards in Leicester on the 13th June. So if you want to see me live, I'll post more details later!

Love and Peace out!

PS. Kittens are settling in well, and no longer have the names Liger and Figaro. They are now Jack and Daniel(s). Both me and Nicola think they are much better names for the 2 of them.

Kittens and Gigs

So its been a while.............
Not to much to report, done 3 gigs in the last 2weeks. The Highlight showcase in Birmingham where I tried out 5mins of new material and it all appeared to go down pretty well. The Lamp Tavern in Dudley which was an excellent gig in aid of the Kats Cradle charity, used a mixture of old and new stuff, older stuff seemed to go down better than the new, but that maybe because I was allot more comfortable with my old stuff. The Crumblin' Cookie in Leicester, which again was an excellent gig and I was allowed to waffle on all the way through my old set and into my new set, which was nice and it all seemed to go down pretty well. So all in all, new stuff is good, when interlinked with my old. THUMBS UP!

Oh yes, Nicola (my wife) and I have decided that the patter of tiny kittens is just what the house needs, so we are picking them up tonight.
We were originally only going to have 1, but due to not being able to agree on a name, we are having 2 and naming one each! YAY!
Maverick, Goose, Cougar, Hollywood, Wolfman, Iceman, Slider, Marty (McFly), Yoda, Chewie, Hans, Darth and Luke were all ruled out by Nicola.
So tonight we will welcome Figaro Pearson (Nicolas choice) and Liger Pearson (my choice see here) to the Pearson family.

Those of you that know me will know what a difficult choice it was between Tigon and Liger for the name of my Kitten, but I think Liger fits him better. Liger is obviously the one that is in the process of kicking the crap into Figaro in this picture. He has learnt well by playing dead and attacking when his prey is close enough for him to unleash his amazing fighting style! He will of course be taught the ways of the force and (if he's anything like me) will only eat the meat kitten/cat food, none of this fish stuff. He will be brought up on Rump Steaks (medium rare), with chips, onion rings and a side order of extra steak! BRING ON THE MONSTER!
Again just like his Dad, he'll probably grow to an amazing size and then be really calm and placid..... but when he gets angry.... you just watch the other cats run!

Anyhoo.... no gigs to talk about this week. Speak to you all soon. Promise more kitten pictures once they have settled in and I've got Liger up to his fighting weight!

Holly Bush Inn, Rugby 06/05/09

Surreal - But an experience

It was Thursday night and i was on my way down to Rugby to perform at the Holly Bush Inn, I was going over my material again in my head all the way there, happy that I had performed it twice so far with out any blips and just making sure that I was ready for what would be my first gig on my own. (The last 2 have all been arranged by Liam Jones and had included people that I have met on my course over the last 2 months.)
This was to be a charity gig in aid of the Warwickshire Air Ambulance, I say gig, it was a Charity NIGHT being held in aid of the Warwickshire Air Ambulance. This meant there was much more going on than just the comedy:

At the back of the pub was a Speed Pool tournament, a raffle and during the breaks in the comedy there was to be Virtual Horse Racing. The picture you see above is the "stage" area that we were to perform on with punters to be sat around the 2 round tables in front of the stage, so it was "cosy". This was situated at pretty much at the front door and right next to the only open bar in the place. So it was busy and noisy when the comedy night started.
The MC for the evening was Ewan Kershaw and he really attempted to get the crowd hushed and ready for comedy, even at one point taking a unsuspecting girl up to the stage because she was talking during his whole introduction. This wasn't helping my nerves.

First up was Jonathan Elston, I hadn't seen him before but I now know that he is the comic that offended the entire Phoenix with a "I don't care if your mum is dead comment". The room didn't really warm to him and he made a great job of getting a small "community" of people sat at the front that wanted to listen to the comedy. I forget who was up next, but his random rendition of the start to the Lion King as soon as he got on stage was something of beauty!

After the bar had fallen completely silent for the Virtual Racing during the break, it was Paul Baglin turn, and surprisingly, the atmosphere had appeared to change. There was more attention being paid to us and people were beginning to turn from the bar and watch. Paul did a great 10mins and then it was time for Steph Lane, who (being the only lady comic) immediately grabbed the attention of the "geezas" at the bar. She again had a great set and really did storm it.

After another break and amazing Virtual Horse Racing, it was the Villain hurdle, winner was Lord Voldermort... I think. It was time for me to get up on stage and perform. I feel that I went down rather well, however I completely forgot my material on my "diet stages", which left me at abit of a loss, however I managed to claw it back with some audience banter, especially with a woman who it would appear actually has the nickname "Cum Guzzling Slut".

Headline act was on after me, and please forgive me but I can't remember his last name, I think it was Lucus Hirst or Hurt, something like that. He did brilliantly and after 5mins of material just said "fuck it, I'm coming to talk to you lot" which really went down well.

So all in all the night went well. I also won a raffle prize with my 1 £1 ticket. 402 was called out, I went to collect my prize only for it to be announced on the PA system, that I had won "A FREE PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION" - That got a bigger laugh than the whole of my act. But hey hey, that's got potential as a great story at some point!

So anyhoo! Highlight this weekend. New Faces of Comedy. Broad Street Birmingham 9th May 2010. £5 on the door, doors open at 6.30pm. I'm doing new material so come on down if you liked the last stuff!

Phoenix Gig - 29/04/10 - Remember the date

My my my my my! Didn't he do well!
- if I do say so myself, The Phoenix gig was FAN-TASTIC!

I was extremely nervous, I'd arrived at the venue at 6.30pm, and from the off there were some problems: No lights in the room, Hangs to the Left (Headliners) had arrived and they were busily trying to set up and sound check the room in the pitch black.
Once we had the lights on, we discovered that we had turned ALL the lights on, including the "Disco" lights, and we didn't know how to turn them off. Once we'd sorted the lighting it was time to test the microphones, which again showed more problems with a terrible buzz coming from the main mic that was going to be used by everyone, making my "one, two, one two" sound like Stephen Hawkins stuck in a loop. Luckily the guys new someone who could fix this on the phone and whilst I was getting chairs from downstairs they worked his magic.
All these problems were helping me to forget that this was only my second gig, and this time it was in front of a crowd of people that were PAYING for comedy. The previous gig at Highlight had been to an audience of friends and family of the "new" comedians, so they were expecting mistakes.
As showtime approached, the room was looking quite emtpy, but somehow (and I don't want to know how he did it) Phillip Mccollough (MC for the evening) rallied the punters up from downstairs and they started filling in.
It was then dropped on me that there was no one to announce Phillip on stage, so Liam decided that I was to do it, now this helped my nerves, as I was going to get 20seconds on stage, so people would know who I was...... What didn't help was the microphone not working when I attempted to start!
So anywho! Phillip did a great job at getting the crowd going and was excellent, Ben Hutchinson was on next, and again had a great gig even with his bad throat that everyone thought was going to give up on him any minute. Once Ben came off, Phillip did another 5mins and then it was time for JonnyP to entertain!
I was CRAPPING myself all the way through, but from the sounds of the audience I went down really well, it has been recorded so hopefully this week I'll get a copy of my 10mins and get it uploaded onto here or youtube (maybe both). Of course if it sounds like I went down really badly, the tape may get "lost".
Can I just say a big well done to all the guys that followed on after me, Rob Jones, Darren Corcoran and Lee O'Connell. You all did fantastic, if we all do gigs again together we should travel as the "Comic Virgins"!
So thats it, pretty much what you can take from this is "My video will hopefully be up in the next couple of days.
If you want to see me live then you'l have to get your arses to the The Hollybush in Rugby on Thursday 6th May, The Highlight in Birmingham on Sunday 9th May or the Crumblin' Cookie in Leicester on the Thursday 13th May.
Tar Tar For Now
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