Next Gig - The Phoenix in Coventry

So....... I have another gig..... tomorrow.... Nervous? NOT MUCH!

Yes, I will be performing at The Phoenix in Coventry tomorrow night from 8.30pm onwards, and I'm really looking forward to it. Its been over 3 weeks since my last gig, I think, hold on, NEARLY 3 weeks since my last gig, and I'm missing it. This may only be the second gig I have ever done, but this one is the BIIIIGGG test. This one isn't in front of friends and family, of me or other "newbie" standups, this one is a PROPER gig, with paying punters and (dare I say) "Professionals".

So no pressure.

I've been toying with trying to add to the set that I did at the Highlight showcase, but after a discussion with some of the other guys performing tomorrow I have decided to leave that out, unless I can produce a "Lego Joke" (phrase coined by Rob Jones last night).


I think we may have come up with a new joke term, a "Lego joke" is a joke that can be built on overtime, inbetween sets that just keep getting better and better, kind of like a ongoing joke that never ends, like a never ending storieeeeeeeeeeeeee, nah nah nah, nah, nah nah nah nah nah! Anyway, Rob Jones also came up with a fantastic new joke that I'm sure he wants EVERYONE to know was his "What has 2 legs and bleeds..... a bummed dog!" - Pure comic genius I think you will all agree!

This was just a quick blog to let people know I'm still alive, and pretty much a little bit of self promotion so that I can at least see that I'm doing gigs when I look at my blog.

Toodle Pip!


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